Heads of Perpesi Semarang, Solo, and Banyumas Inaugurated, Hoped to Advance Golf

26 February 2024

YOGYAKARTA, Suaramerdeka.com - Gareng S Haryanto was inaugurated as Chairman of the Solo branch of Perpesi (Indonesian Senior Golfers Association) for the 2022/2027 period, which had just been formed.

The inauguration of three Perpesi officials was held at Merapi Golf Yogyakarta, Thursday, January 28, 2022.

On that occasion Soemitro was also sworn in as chairman of Perpesi Semarang branch, and Tribowo as chairman of Perpesi Banyumas branch, in rotation.

The inauguration was carried out directly by the President of Perpesi Masrizal A. Syarif and was attended by the Vice President of Perpesi for the Eastern Region, TM Lumanauw.

Prior to the inauguration, the Joglosemar Gelangmas I/2022 golf championship was held.

A total of 143 senior golfers from Jogja, Solo, Semarang, Magelang, and Banyumas took part in the tournament.

According to Perpesi President Masrizal A Syarif, the formation of Perpesi branch managers in a number of regions is due to the increasing prevalence of golf in the regions.

He hoped that the three heads of the Perpesi branch who were inaugurated could advance the sport in their area.

The head of Perpesi Solo branch, Gareng S. Haryanto, thanked him for the trust given.

His party together with other administrators will try to advance the sport of golf in Solo and its surroundings.

The same thing was said by Soemitro, the head of the Semarang branch of Perpesi. "We ask for instructions so that the work program that we make in the regions can be in sync with the center," said Soemitro.

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