Seniors Only Golf Tournament

26 February 2024

Even though they are old, the spirit to stay healthy is maintained by tens of seniors who are members of the Indonesian Senior Golfers Association or Perpesi Semarang Branch. They regularly hold tournaments with the aim of gathering together, exercising and continuing to make achievements in old age.

Head of Perpesi Semarang Branch, Soemitro, said this golf tournament was only intended for Perpesi members. Currently, Perpesi Semarang Branch has 70 members, of which the youngest members are 55 years old and the oldest 85 years old.

"Accommodating those who have a hobby of golf and have entered retirement. The youngest member of Perpesi is 55 years old, the oldest member regardless of age as long as he wants to become a member and is still strong, beat monggo (please)," said Soemitro.

The Indonesian Senior Golfers Association is now growing and there are already 23 branches throughout Indonesia. The oldest recorded member is 93 years old from Temanggung.

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